Artist Statement & Profile
I am passionate about the Irish landscape. I immerse myself in the land through constant art making and my daily ritual of swimming at daybreak in the ocean. Cycling off the beaten track, and hikes with my dog all help generate the creative energy vital to sustaining my work.
Being out in all weathers and all seasons creating rain-works, paintings, photographs and videos, brings freshness and immediacy to my work - an elemental energy.
There is a deep femininity, a strong sense of the female form in Irish landscapes. This is most apparent in the Burren region, an area in which I have spent at least four summers. The limestone hills and rock platforms of the Burren are a constant source of inspiration. Much of my work explores the pervading sense of the feminine; the rhythms, colours, forms and textures of the land offer a wealth of creative material.
Jack & Jill Foundation, Solomon Gallery - April 21st 2017
Wind, Water & Wildness, Ranelagh Arts Centre - June 15th 2017 (7PM)
Creative Spirit Workshop, Ballinskelligs, Kerry - July 2017. Taking Bookings Now. Read More >>>